January 21, 2021 Geko 0 Comments

The first live on Instagram scheduled for January 23rd, 2021

Today we are honored to introduce you a great Canadian artist: Eric Drummond. We want also present our collaboration with him, which started on November 21st 2020 with an Instagram live interview about “classical drawing in contemporary days”. The upcoming live interviews with Eric will be on January 23rd about “starting academic training” and then on February 20th about “life after academy” and finally the last one on March 6th about “the difference between pencil drawing and charcoal drawing”.

Here you can read a brief biography about Eric:

Eric is born in an Italian-Portuguese family. He started drawing at a very early age, and his source of inspiration was Italian renaissance artists, including: Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Pontormo, Cellini and Bernini.

He studied Art History at the University of Guelph, and in the year 2016 he started studying at The Florence Academy of Art. There, he was taught to draw and paint the figure from life and compose portraits and still life’s, using the traditional methods and practices developed by the old masters from which he was so inspired by as a child.

Eric works only from life. This allows him honest and true artistic translation. Working from life allows Eric total creative control and interpretation of his subjects. And this creative control, by working from life is about translation.

Eric’s work has been awarded and featured by The Art Renewal Center, The MEAM Museum of Barcelona, and The Florence Academy of Art. He is an alumnus of and has worked as a principle instructor of drawing at The Florence Academy of Art, and has exhibited internationally in Italy, Spain, The United States and Canada.

Here they are some of his awards and accolades:

2017 Scholarship Recipient – Florence Academy of Art
2017 Best Figure Drawing(First Year) – Florence Academy of Art
2018 Scholarship Recipient – Florence Academy of Art
2018 Best Figure Painting(Second Year) – Florence Academy of Art
2018 Art Renewal Center Scholarship Competition – Second Place
Art Renewal Centre Salon 2019 Finalist
2019 Best Figure Painting (Third Year) – Florence Academy of Art
2019 Best Painting of the Year – Florence Academy of Art                                   

Graduate of the Florence Academy of Art – Class of 2019

2019 Third Place in Full From Life Category – ARC Salon Competition

FIGURATIVAS 2019 – Exhibition Member

Art Renewal Center Salon 2019 Exhibition Member – Barcelona(MEAM)/New York (Sothebys).

Two anatomical studies by Eric Drummond

We just have to give us an appointment on Instagram, Saturday 23rd January 2021 at 9 pm (time zone for Canada at 3 pm), remembering that you can participate on IG Live by posting the questions! Eric will be happy to answer all your curiosities. See you soon!