November 12, 2020 Geko 0 Comments

Here in this article we decided to introduce you an art technique with its ancient history and also a talented Sweden artist with her stunning Mosaic works.

What is Mosaic?

A mosaic is an artistic technique that uses tiny parts to create a whole image or object. Mosaics are usually assembled using small tiles that are made of glass, stone, or other materials. Typically the tiles are square, but they can also be round or randomly shaped. (The small square tiles are known as tesserae, and the rounded tiles are known as pebbles)

Mosaic History

The term mosaic is likely derived from the Greek word “ mousa” , meaning “muse”. Mosaics as an art form have been around for thousands of years. Mosaics were first discovered in ancient Mesopotamia, where small pieces of tile were found in a temple from the third millennium BC. These artifacts were random and straightforward. It wasn’t until the ancient Greeks and Romans that mosaics began to depict real-life scenes, patterns, and symbols.

The Roman Empire carried the art form from Greece across the whole of Europe, where it found its way into walls, ceilings and walkways, depicting everything from simple patterns to stories of daily life and heroic myths.

Mosaic was widely used on religious buildings and palaces in early Islamic arts, including Islam’s first great religious building, the  Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, and the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.

The development of tesserae, a manufactured tile that was capable of great variation in color, size and shape that made great detail as well as subtle color changes possible.  Sometimes these tesserae were very tiny pieces, allowing the artist to paint with tile.

Mosaics Seen Today

Modern mosaics are made by artists and craftspeople around the world. Many materials other than traditional stone, ceramic tesserae, enameled and stained glass may be employed, including shells, beads, charms, chains, gears, coins, and pieces of costume jewelry.

To be a prolific mosaic artist, you must exhibit patience and particular attention to detail that allows you to see the whole broken up into small shapes and colors. However, you don’t need to be a skilled artisan to try your hand at this ancient craft. Some basic knowledge will help you lay the groundwork for your mosaic masterpiece. 

Mosaic course in Florence

The Mosaic ceiling of the Florence Baptistery is magnificent examples of mosaic decoration, which is created between 1225 and around 1330 using designs by major Florentine painters.

Mosaic course in Florence and having contact with the great ancient works, will help you to understand this form of art and to draw inspiration for your own work.
This course will be an important experience for all those who want to approach this discipline. 

Here you read a short biography about the mosaic teacher:

Hanna Westin Skogh in a Sweden artist, living in Florence. Currently studying at the FAA drawing program.

In 2008 she started a mosaic project with Emelie Solklippa who she had met at artschool . Projects include both public work and commissions, often inspired from nature with a nordic touch.

During a 12 year period she held mosaic workshops for artists and beginners.