We met Josh Wright exactly a month before the opening of his first exhibition in Florence and we asked him how it feels to be a young emerging painter on the international artistic panorama. From Saturday 10th October Josh Wright will present “Arcadia”, an exhibition that is also a supernatural and mysterious world to which not everyone can access.
Josh how was your passion for painting born? What pushed you to take this path?
“Watching my mother paint as a child was always intriguing but something very secondary to me. It wasn’t till later in life that I realised that I did have a passion for the craft. Both my mother and my grandmother were painters, so now that I look back on it, it feels right.”
Is there an artistic reference character from which to draw inspiration and teaching?
“Before attending the FAA I was working for Richard MacDonald, one of the worlds best figurative sculptors. Working at his foundry and also having his close mentorship, I found a great deal of inspiration just knowing him and his artistic journey. I think one of my biggest admirations for Richard is his work ethic. Quiet literally he sculpted like there’s no tomorrow!”

How do you get inspiration for your paintings?
“For me the inspiration comes easily. I’ve built characters in worlds that transfer over from past and present experiences. I use the outside world for inspiration sure, though a lot of my planning and design comes from within.”
With your first official exhibition at Geko Art Studio you will practically enter the art world … it is said to be very competitive … Does the idea scare you? In your opinion, what is the secret to remaining yourself despite success?
“I’ve always told myself that painting is a personal journey. With that said, I think the competition is eliminated once you realise that you’re doing this for yourself and against yourself. The future is unpredictable, as long as I keep showing up everyday, doing the best I can, giving it all I got, I’m confident things will work out fine.”
From October 10th we will see your “Arcadia” collection for the first time ever. What is the main reason why you would recommend the visitor to see this exhibition?
“Arcadia is a fantasy journey, but also it’s a testament to the freedom to create and the adventure of it. I spent a lot of time developing the ‘Arcadian Wasteland’ concept, giving it time to evolve, there was a lot to process. The story of Arcadia has many layers. For example this exhibit is only based around the Wasteland, a section within Arcadia. The idea appeals to people who love fantasy or art in general… So if you like that kind of stuff, Come see the exhibition!”
Future plans?
“Continue painting, continue storytelling and allow myself to develop. In general just being the best me I can be.”
We thank Josh for the time and above all the sincerity in his answers.
We can’t wait for the official opening on October 10th 2020 where you are all invited to see his first exhibition at the Geko Art Studio in Florence!

Great love it wish i could be there.Good Luck Josh and im sure there is much more to come.
Hopefully one day I will be able to see your work. What I have seen is wonderful. You have a bright and colorful future.
Love what you’ve done with this. These characters look so unique and your storytelling is so fun and original. Looking forward to seeing the show. Congrats!