October 21, 2020 Geko 0 Comments

On the occasion of the Arcadia vernissage, the collection of paintings depicting a fantastic journey in which a visitor will be thrown into a dark world of fantasy and very dark colors populated by gloomy characters.

Few days before the inauguration which it took place on October 10th, we met another artist who performed a contemporary dance together with Josh Wright, our young emerging artist!

A young and talented dancer named Sofia Galvan, was born in 2001, enterprising and newborn professional dancer. She tells us about the beginning of her passion for dance at the age of six, thanks to the encouragement of her childhood friend’s mother who made her discover this innate vocation. She therefore began to study in Veneto, her homeland, at the Galleria Spazio Danza school directed by Stefania Pigato. She explains it to us: “I started only with classical dance, then the director, recognizing my talent, moved me to a higher course, and that’s how modern dance and contemporary dance are added to my skills. From age 7 to 15 I studied here, participating in competitions (including international ones), workshops and internships with external teachers.”

Over time, her passion grew gradually and she had the opportunity to come and study in Florence, at the international training center Opus Ballet, directed by Rosanna Brocanello and Daniel Tinazzi; a chance that came at the right time to improve a career as a dancer.

In 2016 she moved to Florence. She started her three-year training path as a student of the Opus Ballet academy where for two years she followed the lessons as a “normal” student, but in the third year, a turning point came … Sofia tells us: “The director Rosanna Brocanello asked me if I wanted to join the professional youth dance company of Opus Ballet, without hesitation, excited and satisfied with myself, I accepted!

Since last year the young dancer has been part of the dance troupe with which she has already performed in several theaters. After many efforts and hard work, her dream of becoming a professional dancer came true!

As mentioned, she was the partner during the live performance together with the eccentric American artist … The two, thanks to the choreography prepared by Sofia entertained the visitors with a fabulous contemporary ballet! Very soon it will be possible to watch the video of that fantastic evening!

#staytuned #Arcadia

Don’t forget that you can visit the paintig exhibition untill November 10th at Geko Art Studio!